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brand elements

How to create a brand strategy blueprint


This "how to create a brand strategy blueprint" will be helpful for both an established brand that you want to take to the next level and to establish a new brand as a small business owner. It’s no secret that having a strong, well-defined brand is essential for any business. But how do you go [...]

How to create a brand strategy blueprint2023-11-24T19:24:28+02:00

The holy grail of brand elements


Is it necessary that a brand name be meaningful? Or that the different brand elements, like the name, slogan, domain name etc., reinforce the overall positioning? Are there examples of smaller brands, in addition to the Apple's of the world, that got it right early on? These are some of the questions I got after [...]

The holy grail of brand elements2023-11-10T14:32:52+02:00

Brand naming: it’s not only about what you like


In naming we often make a mistake in our point of view.   1 Idea – 1 Challenge – 1 Quote   1 Idea From Me Good brand names A good starting point in naming your brand is to start with the different types of brand names. Brands can be named after people (Ford), places [...]

Brand naming: it’s not only about what you like2023-11-10T14:12:29+02:00
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