In naming we often make a mistake in our point of view.  

1 Idea – 1 Challenge – 1 Quote


1 Idea From Me

Good brand names A good starting point in naming your brand is to start with the different types of brand names. Brands can be named after people (Ford), places (Nokia, a town in Finland), animals (Jaguar), objects (Apple) or have no meaning, among other options. Then once you have a few options, put the names through the following filters or rate them according to memorability, likeability, meaningfulness, transferability, adaptability and protectability.   Memorability is about whether potential consumers have existing knowledge structures to relate your brand name to, whereas likeability refers to the aesthetics of the visual brand identity and pronunciation. Meaningfulness is about the meaning associations that the brand name conjures up. Transferability is about the potential use of the brand name across categories and geographies. If the name lends itself to be tweaked or updated in future, it is adaptable. The brand name should also be protectable in terms of trademark registration1.   But here is the mistake often made; brand naming is approached from the trademark owner or brand custodian’s perspective – whether the owner likes the name, finds it memorable and meaningful. You will notice that I referred to the “potential consumers” in the paragraph above, which is the point of view that is most important.   1Keller, K.L., Apéria, T. and Georgson, M. 2008. Strategic Brand Management.  

1 Challenge to you

For your next brand naming exercise, clarify who the target audience is, get into their shoes and ask: Is [brand name] memorable, likeable and meaningful for my target audience? Is [brand name] transferable and adaptable? Can [brand name] be legally and commercially protected?  

What Factors Should I Consider When Naming My Brand?

When finding the ideal brand name, several factors should be considered. First, ensure the name aligns with your brand’s values, message, and target audience. It should be unique, memorable, and easy to pronounce. Conduct thorough research to avoid any legal or cultural conflicts. Finally, test the name’s effectiveness before making a final decision.

1 Quote

“Your brand is not what you say it is. It is what they say it is.” – Marty Neumeier Share this quote on Twitter   Let’s BRAND FOR SUCCESS! Pieter Steenkamp, BrandDoctor   If you found this article helpful, just click here to tweet it or copy this link:   Meet Dr Pieter Steenkamp, your BRAND FOR SUCCESS guide. I am actually a brand doctor with a PhD in brand management from University of Stellenbosch Business School. As a brand management lecturer and researcher at a university in Cape Town South Africa and a regular visiting professor at universities in Germany, I stay up to date with the latest brand management developments. This affords me the incredible opportunity to consult with leaders of some of the most admired brands. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn Visit BrandDoctor site