Is it necessary that a brand name be meaningful? Or that the different brand elements, like the name, slogan, domain name etc., reinforce the overall positioning? Are there examples of smaller brands, in addition to the Apple’s of the world, that got it right early on? These are some of the questions I got after last week’s post. Overall, it’s not necessary, but it is beneficial. For me this is the holy grail of brand elements.  

1 Idea – 1 Challenge – 1 Quote


Idea From Me

Take Nike. It is easy to mispronounce the brand name and Nike’s swoosh symbol is sometimes referred to as a tick. And who knows that the two elements are connected in that the swoosh resembles one of the wings of the Greek goddess of victory called Nike. How meaningful was the name Starbucks in the beginning? Brand names are primarily what we use to refer to the collection of brand associations in our minds associated with a brand and the brand name is one of those associations. Over time we come to associate a brand name with a brand in our minds and the brand name is a trigger of associations we associated with the brand in our minds. Therefore, the brand name does not have to be meaningful. But when the brand name is meaningful and the various brand elements support the brand positioning, it is magical. Sometimes a brand just gets it right and achieves the holy grail of brand elements. One such example is the PURA Beverage Company. I have been a fan of the products for some time and you will find stacks of PURA in our fridge at home and at my office. Few are brave enough to enter the highly contested beverage industry dominated by, as we know, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Sir Richard Branson tried with Virgin Cola, but Coca-Cola stifled it and the drink was discontinued eventually. Name: PURA Idea: In an interview with the owner of PURA, by Bruce Whitfield (@brucebusiness), the idea behind the PURA brand was stated as: a soft drink that’s a little healthier. Positioning: The positioning slogan is: livealittle PURA. Product: Low-calorie sodas using natural flavours without artificial preservatives. Tapping into a global trend towards low-carb drinks is an important competitive advantage. Domain: I suspect that the domains (fragrances) and (luxury goods) were not available at the time, so was chosen. If we dig deeper we would probably find more alignment, but PURA is a great example of a company that has cracked the holy grail of brand elements. The brand name, slogan and domain name support the brand positioning. PURA is entering the USA market and will probably be bought by Coca-Cola or Pepsi in the not too distant future. Brand elements is only a part of overall brand strategy, so consider reading this article next How to create a brand strategy blueprint.  


At the beginning of every Monday morning assemble for the seven years of our primary schooling we would start the session by singing the national anthem that was written on a huge wooden scroll to one side of the stage and at the end, just before we left for class, we would recite the following quote from the wooden scroll on the other side of the stage: “Always do more than what is expected of you. The more, the greater success.” – CR Swart Share this quote on Twitter  

What Factors Contribute to the Attraction of Luxury Brands?

Factors such as superior quality, exclusivity, and social status contribute to the attractiveness of luxury brands. Consumers are drawn to the allure of impeccable craftsmanship, luxurious materials, and unique designs that set these brands apart from mass-market alternatives. Owning a luxury brand item not only signifies prestige but also acts as a symbol of personal achievement and success. This aspirational aspect creates a strong desire and emotional connection, making luxury brands highly appealing to many individuals.

Challenge to you

We did not go to the same primary school, but the member of our team that handles the SEO part of projects always do something extra for our clients that we do not charge for and that was not expected. See if you can build it into how you do business to always do more than what your clients expect.   Let’s BRAND FOR SUCCESS! Pieter Steenkamp, BrandDoctor   If you found this article helpful, just click here to tweet it or copy this link:   Meet Dr Pieter Steenkamp, your BRAND FOR SUCCESS guide. I am actually a brand doctor with a PhD in brand management from University of Stellenbosch Business School. As a brand management lecturer and researcher at a university in Cape Town South Africa and a regular visiting professor at universities in Germany, I stay up to date with the latest brand management developments. This affords me the incredible opportunity to consult with leaders of some of the most admired brands. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn Visit BrandDoctor site