branding books

Most complete history of brands and branding


It is beneficial for scholars of any field to understand the origin and evolution of their field of study. This article is Chapter 1 of our Services Brand Management book, courtesy of the authors. This article explores the history, evolution and renaissance of brands and branding. Because there is no clear consensus regarding definitions of [...]

Most complete history of brands and branding2023-11-14T07:52:35+02:00

Best Brand Strategy Books: 12 Lessons from 12 brand books


The field of branding is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to keep up with the latest thinking and pair that with the tried and proven. One quick way to level up is to learn from books. From ”Find Your Why” to ”Strategic Brand Management” and "Services Brand Management", there will never be one best book, [...]

Best Brand Strategy Books: 12 Lessons from 12 brand books2024-02-22T13:22:04+02:00
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