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How to create a brand strategy blueprint


This "how to create a brand strategy blueprint" will be helpful for both an established brand that you want to take to the next level and to establish a new brand as a small business owner. It’s no secret that having a strong, well-defined brand is essential for any business. But how do you go [...]

How to create a brand strategy blueprint2023-11-24T19:24:28+02:00

The Two Functions Of Brand Management


Brand management basically has two functions, namely brand awareness and brand image.   1 Idea - 1 Challenge - 1 Quote   1 Idea From Me First, create awareness of your brand using your brand elements - display your logo (name, symbol, slogan, font and colours) on your clothing, products, packaging, vehicles, stationary, email signatures, [...]

The Two Functions Of Brand Management2023-11-10T14:45:06+02:00
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