Brand management basically has two functions, namely brand awareness and brand image.  

1 Idea – 1 Challenge – 1 Quote


1 Idea From Me

First, create awareness of your brand using your brand elements – display your logo (name, symbol, slogan, font and colours) on your clothing, products, packaging, vehicles, stationary, email signatures, tools etc. Second, attach image associations to your brand in consumers’ minds. Do this with your positioning slogan, the use of visuals and your brand personality. Use this to convey what your brand stands for and what differentiates your brand. Create brand awareness and attach brand image associations.  

1 Challenge To You

Over the next week be conscious of the idea above and notice how many unbranded touchpoints you encounter – unbranded vehicles, staff, products etc. Now do the same with your brand. Have you branded every single point of interaction between your business and your consumers? You can use the Brand Touchpoint Wheel to help you.  

What Are the Key Responsibilities of a Chief Brand Officer Compared to a Chief Marketing Officer?

The key responsibilities of a chief brand officer and chief marketing officer slightly differ in focus. A chief brand officer primarily concentrates on developing and maintaining the brand identity, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. On the other hand, a chief marketing officer oversees the execution of marketing strategies, including advertising, promotions, and driving customer engagement. Ultimately, both roles play crucial parts in enhancing a company’s reputation and achieving business objectives.

1 Quote

“Brand every single interaction with your consumers.” – Pieter Steenkamp, Brand Doctor Share this on Twitter Let’s BRAND FOR SUCCESS! Pieter Steenkamp, BrandDoctor   If you found this article helpful, just click here to tweet it or share on LinkedIn   Meet Dr Pieter Steenkamp, BrandDoctor Your BRAND FOR SUCCESS guide I am actually a brand doctor with a PhD in brand management from University of Stellenbosch Business School. As a brand management lecturer and researcher at a university in Cape Town South Africa and a visiting professor at universities in Germany, I stay up to date with the latest brand management developments. This affords me the incredible opportunity to consult with leaders of some of the most admired brands. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn Visit BrandDoctor site [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]